Rules and Regulations for Extra and Co-Curricular Activities
Student body of Virtual University of Pakistan comprises of the students from all the regions of Pakistan including overseas students. Students enthusiastically pursue their academic endeavors throughout their stay at the university. An important element of student development is the provision of extra and co-curricular activities which enable students to remain physically fit, mentally healthy and competitive. Virtual University formally started sports and other co-curricular activities in 2014, different clubs, societies and teams were formed under the banner of “Life at VU” and an annual activity named “Student Week” was started.
Currently, formation of Clubs & Societies (Life at VU) is a temporary arrangement, and these activities are limited within the university only for Student Week. Whereas, VUP having a large student body across the country and aboard, may participate in different national and international competitions to represent the University.
In the light of the preamble, it is proposed to establish a permanent secretariat/structure in the university to look after students’ sports, extra & co-curricular activities.
Aims & Objective
Ø To promote sports and extra/co-curricular activities of the students.
Ø To enhance students’ physical, intellectual and leadership qualities.
Ø To provide opportunities to the students to engage themselves in the activities of their interest/choice at various skill levels.
Ø To enable students to compete at national and international events.
Ø To motivate the students to promote the image and reputation of Virtual University of Pakistan and act as ambassadors of the University.
Management Structure
Sports, Extra & Co-curricular Activities at University Level
University Level Extra &Co-curricular/ Activities
Societies/Clubs |
Sports |
Debating Society |
Cricket |
Media & Performing Arts Society |
Hockey |
Camera Club / Photographic Society |
Badminton |
Rovers’, Tourism, Hiking & Mountaineering Club |
Swimming |
SAVE / Blood Donation Society (SAVE-Social Actionable Volunteer Engagement) |
Table Tennis
Character Building Society |
Athletics |
Horticulture & Environmental Protection Society |
IT Club |
Fine Arts Society |
Quiz Society |
Literary Club |
Information regarding current societies/clubs is available at:
Note: More Society(ies)/ Club(s) and sports can be added after the approval of the Rector, VU with proper justification.
Core Committee
The Core Committee will be responsible for devising and implementation of all initiatives and measures to achieve above mentioned goals. Composition of Core Committee for Sports, Extra & Co-Curricular activities will be as under:
1. Rector (Patron in Chief)
2. Chief Organizer (Member)
3. Director Finance (Member)
4. Director Sports (Member)
5. Registrar (Member & Secretary)
The quorum for a meeting of the Core Committee will be more than one half of its members, a fraction being counted as one.
Standing Committee
The standing committee will execute activities related to Extra and Co-Curricular events. The composition of standing committee will be
1. Chief Organizer (Convener)
2. Deputy Chief Organizer (Member)
3. Director Campuses (Member)
4. Director Administration (Member & Secretary)
5. Any other Co-opted member as deemed necessary
The Chief Organizer and Deputy Chief Organizer:
The Chief Organizer will be the focal person of all Sports, Extra & Co-Curricular activities in the university. The Chief Organizer will be from Academics and will be of Professor Designation. The Rector shall appoint the Chief Organizer. In case, when a Professor is not available, the Rector may appoint any Associate Professor as Chief Organizer.
There will be a Deputy Chief Organizer, who shall assist the Chief Organizer. He/she will also be the member of the Standing Committee. The Deputy Chief Organizer will be from academics of VU and should not be less than Assistant Professor Designation
Functions of Chief Organizer:
· To propose coordinator for each category to the core committee.
· To prepare the annual calendar of activities in consultation with the relevant coordinators and get it approved from the core committee.
· To prepare the annual budget for sports and other student activities.
· To plan and organize all the activities (Sports, Extra & Co-Curricular)
· To propose new sports / activities to be included in the calendar.
· To ensure that relevant talent is given fair chance in the competitions.
· To select and notify VU official individuals and teams to represent Virtual University at different competitions and forums.
· To keep record of all activities accordingly.
· Arrange programs and special functions.
· Arrange different tours and trips for students for specific cause.
· Ensure the proper discipline and decorum in each society/club.
· Develop programs to attract other students.
· Nominate the students for the Co-curricular awards to Core Committee.
Coordinators for Sports and Coordinator for Co-Curricular Activities
Students’ activities are divided in two categories:
· Sports and
· Extra & Co-curricular
For each category there
will be one Coordinator who will be selected/appointed on the basis of his/her
expertise (preference will be given to regular contract faculty members).
Interested staff/faculty members can apply for the same to the Registrar. The Registrar
will propose two names to the Rector after screening, out of which the Rector
will select/appoint one as Coordinator of each category for a period of three
years. The Rector has the authority to change/replace coordinator any time when
deem necessary.
Functions of Coordinator:
The Coordinator will be the person to run the affairs of each domain that is Sports and Extra & Co-Curricular activities and will be reporting to Chief Organizer. Coordinator will be responsible for:
· Selection and recommendation of the office bearers from the students/team members with proper SOPs duly approved by the Core Committee.
· To select management committee members of each society/club and sport and nominate a convener and co-convener for each. Coordinator will propose the number of members in each committee.
Conveners & Co-conveners of Societies/Clubs and teams
Each society/club and team will be managed by a management committee which will be headed by a Convener/Incharge. A co-convener will assist the Convener. Convener and co-Convener will be selected by the Chief Organizer on the recommendations of the coordinator of that particular domain on the basis of his/her expertise and skills.
Convener & co Convener will be responsible for:
Central Management Committees of Societies/Clubs and Sports
Management committee of each Society/Club or sport will comprise of Convener, co-convener (academic/non-academic) and students from across the country. Students will work under the guidance of VU staff. In each Society/Club or team, students will be participating as president, vice president and a general secretary representing the student body. These three positions will be announced by each Society/Club or team and interested students other than student presidents at campus level will submit their applications online in the system. These applications will be evaluated on objective criteria of selection by the conveners accordingly. Students’ appointment in the management committee will be for a period of one year.
Student President at campus level
To inculcate managerial and leadership qualities in the students, at campus level, there will be a Campus Student President (where number of active enrolled students is more than 100), who will be coordinating with the university authorities to assist in sports, extra and co-curricular activities accordingly. Student President will be elected by the students of that particular campus. There already exists a complete online election system and one election has already been held. The student president under the guidance of VU authorities may form a team of volunteers from the campus headed by the president. The term of student president will be one year.
Responsibilities of Student President:
Reporting Mechanism:
Criteria for Student President
Ø CGPA should not be less than 2.00
Ø Student should be in 3rd semester (for 02-year degree program) and 6th or 7th semester (for 04-year degree program).
Who cannot apply for Student President?
Each year, the University will allocate budget for each University level Society/Club. Societies/Clubs can charge a minimal membership fee from the students.
Awards And Honors.
The students will be awarded with Extra/Co-curricular ‘Roll of Honor’, ‘Certificate of Distinction’ and ‘Certificate of Merit’ on the basis of their participation in different national and international competitions as well as different social activities.
Each student can apply for the award to the core committee through Chief Organizer. Award will be presented to the student at the time of convocation.
Specific criteria for the Awards and Honors; -
Award Minimum Marks Obtained
Evaluation criteria
Criteria |
Marks |
President |
10 per year |
Vice President |
06 per year |
General Secretary |
03 per year |
Campus student president |
05 per year |
Member only |
01 per year |
Title winner at National level |
15 for each |
First position in any event on national or regional level as a team or as individual |
07 for each |
Second position in any event on national or regional level as a team or as individual |
05 for each |
Participation in any event on national or regional level as a team or as individual |
02 for each |
Participation in any foreign event |
05 for each |
Lifesaving activity as volunteer (reported by credible source/media) |
25 for each |
University duties on any major function, such as admissions, convocation, conference, seminar, etc |
05 for each duty |