Additional Copies of Transcript of Record


Additional copy(s) shall be issued upon submission of  prescribed fee per copy.




In order to obtain additional copies of the Final Transcript, follow the steps below:


  1. From within the LMS, click the Student Services button
  2. Click on the Apply for Final Transcript link

3.     A form showing the mailing address as per your LMS profile and a textbox for specifying the number of copies required, will be displayed 
(Note: If necessary, update your mailing address in the LMS profile and start again)

  1. Enter the number of copies required
  2. Click the Submit Request button
  3. Your request will be generated on the form
  4. Click on the Print Voucher link
  5. The voucher will be displayed in a separate window 
    (Note: In case you want to make any change(s) in your request, close the voucher window, click the Withdraw Request link on the form and start again)
  6. Print the voucher
  7. Deposit the fee in the bank mentioned on the voucher
  8. Make sure to obtain a stamped copy of the paid voucher
  9. Scan and upload the paid copy of the voucher using the Upload Paid Voucher link.