The Virtual University of Pakistan is a federally chartered institution of higher education established by the Government of Pakistan vide Ordinance No. LII of 2002. These Regulations have been prescribed to administer academic affairs relating to the University’s academic programs in various disciplines. The present document describes Rules and Regulations governing the semester system, examinations, and promotion.
i. These Rules and Regulations may be called the “Academic Rules and Regulations” of the University.
ii. These Rules and Regulations shall apply to all study programs, students, and other stakeholders of the University.
iii. These shall come into force with immediate effect after approval from Statutory Bodies.
In these Rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context:
i. “Academic” means teaching staff of Virtual University of Pakistan.
ii. “Academic Council” means “Academic Council of the University”.
iii. “Academic Calendar” means the period during which the students attend University.
iv. “Academic Department” means a teaching, training, research and/or technological department or center of the University devoted to imparting or creating knowledge in a particular academic discipline.
v. “Academic Year” means “Fall” and following “Spring” Semester.
vi. “ASRB” stands for the “Advanced Studies and Research Board” of the University.
vii. “Audit Course” means a course attended without any liability of taking its examination.
viii. “Bodies” mean University authorities such as “BOS”, “Academic Council” and “Executive Council” etc.
ix. “BOS” stands for the “Board of Studies” of an Academic Department.
x. “BOG” stands for the “Board of Governors of the University”.
xi. “Campus” means a campus of the Virtual University of Pakistan.
xii. “Competent Authority” means the Rector of the University or an employee
to whom the power is delegated by or under these rules.
xiii. “Controller Examination” means the Controller of Examination of the University.
xiv. “Credit Course” means a course of study to be completed as a requirement for a degree/diploma.
xv. “Credit Hour” means 12.5-hours taught material in a semester or 37.5-hours of lab work or equivalent practical work per semester or the equivalent number of hours.
xvi. “CGPA” means “Cumulative Grade Point Average” and it refers to an average score earned by the students in more than one semester, whereas “GPA” means “Grade Point Average” and refers to the score earned in a single semester.
xvii. “Directorate” means a section of the University for a particular activity.
xviii. “Deficiency Course” means a course in which a student has been adjudged deficient by a competent body of the University.
xix. “DGRC” the Departmental Graduate Research Committee”.
xx. “Equivalence Committee” means the Equivalence Committee of the University.
xxi. “Examinations” means Mid Semester examination and End Semester Examination.
xxii. “Executive Council” means the Executive Council of the University.
xxiii. “Graduate program” means academic programs of 18 years and up to 22 years of education.
xxiv. “HOD/Head “means Head of a “Teaching/Academic Department” of the University.
xxv. “HEC” stands for Higher Education Commission of Pakistan.
xxvi. Institute” means a Management Division of the University intended for teaching/research and/ or imparting knowledge.
xxvii. “LMS” means Learning Management System of the University.
xxviii. “Local Student” means a university student whose study status is local (within Pakistan).
xxix. “Management Division” means a group of academic departments of the University.
xxx. “Non-Credit Course” means a course of study which shall not be counted towards the calculation of C/GPA.
xxxi. “Overseas Student” means University student whose study status is Overseas.
xxxii. OPKST’ means Overseas Pakistani Student living abroad.
xxxiii. "Rector" means The Rector, Virtual University of Pakistan.
xxxiv. “Registrar” means The Registrar, Virtual University of Pakistan.
xxxv. “Regular Student” means student who if registered for formal academic credits and who carries the full load required in a given semester by his/her curriculum.
xxxvi. “Residential Requirements” means a minimum time period required, in terms of the number of semesters, to complete a degree/diploma.
xxxvii. “Study Scheme” means a prescribed semester wise breakup and order of courses to be offered in a study program.
xxxviii. “Semester” means a duration of at least eighteen (18) weeks.
xxxix. “Student” means student of the University either local or overseas.
xl. “Study Program” means an academic program offered by the University.
xli. “Teacher” means Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Lecturers, Tutors, and research staff engaged whole-time by the University for teaching undergraduate, postgraduate, honors classes or programs and includes such other persons as may be declared to be teachers by Regulations of the University.
xlii. “Undergraduate program” means academic programs of 14 years and up to 16 years of education.
xliii. “University” or “VU” stands for the Virtual University of Pakistan.
xliv. “Zero Semester” means a semester in which a student enrolls course(s) in which he/she has been adjudged deficient by a competent body of the University.
xlv. “Annexure” means a supplementary material which is not an essential part of the section, defining the procedure related to the said section which provides additional information about that area/section. The procedural part may be changed time to time for which no prior approval of any statutory body will be required. However, it may require approval from the Competent Authority.
Terms not expressly defined in these “Academic Rules & Regulations” shall bear an interpretation that may be determined by the University. All other terms and expressions shall have the same meaning as assigned to them under the Virtual University of Pakistan Ordinance, 2002.
1.1 The medium of instructions and examination shall be “English” for all subjects except the subject of languages such as Urdu, Chinese, Arabic etc. for which medium of instructions and examination shall be accordingly.
1.2 Non-Muslim students shall be allowed to take the course of ‘Ethical Studies’ offered by the University in lieu of Islamic Studies course.
2.1 There shall be an “Academic Calendar” for each semester, which shall be published on the University’s website and may include the followings:
i. Date of Class Commencement
ii. Dates of Gazette Holidays as per Govt. announcement
iii. Date of Mid Semester Examination
iv. Date of End Semester Examination
v. Date of Result Declaration
3.1 A student admitted to any program at Virtual University of Pakistan shall be a “Regular Student”.
3.2 The student at Virtual University of Pakistan shall select any one of the following at the time of admission or during the semester as specified in these Academic Rules and Regulations:
· Home Based
· Campus Based
· Overseas
4.1.1 A student shall apply to change his/her campus or status from “At Home” to “At Campus” or Campus to Campus or vice versa, during the study program subject to the following terms and conditions:
(i) No dues shall be outstanding at the time of applying.
(ii) The change shall be allowed only once in a calendar month, and the gap between two changes shall not be less than 15-days.
(iii) Proper justification shall be provided for each change.
(iv) The University reserves the right to accept or reject any such application without assigning any reason.
4.1.2 The University reserves the right to change his/her campus or status from “At Home” to “At Campus” or Campus to Campus or vice versa with proper intimation to the student, as and when deemed necessary.
4.2.1 A student shall apply to change his/her study status from “Local to “Overseas” and vice versa upon reaching the destination, subject to the following terms and conditions:
i. Proper justification along with supporting documents such as copies of visa stamp, ticket(s), Boarding pass and page(s) of passport on which Exit or Entry Stamp(s) by the country(ies) is/are affixed, shall be submitted for every single change.
ii. The change shall be allowed only once in a calendar month, and the gap between two changes shall not be less than 15 days.
iii. In case of misstatement, the University reserves the right to initiate disciplinary action against the concerned student as per the “VU Regulations relating to students Discipline and Conduct”.
iv. The fee shall be charged as per status w.e.f. the date of exit/entry stamp as provided by the student.
v. The University reserves the right to accept or reject any such application without assigning any reason.
Note: Upon closing of date sheet sign-up interface for examination(s), such applications will be considered in consultation with Examination Department.
4.2.2 The University reserves the right to change the status of a student with proper intimation to the student, as and when deemed necessary.
5.1 The Minimum and Maximum Time Duration/Semester(s) for the completion of a degree program/course/ for the regular students shall be as under:
Sr. No. |
Degree Level |
Minimum Duration |
Maximum Duration |
1 |
Ph.D. |
03-years/06-semesters |
08-years/16-semesters |
2 |
MS/M.Phil. |
02-years/04-semesters |
04-years/08-semesters |
3 |
Master (M.A/M.Sc.) |
02-years/04-semesters |
04-years/08-semesters |
4 |
BS (4-year) |
04-years/08-semesters |
08-years/16-semesters |
5 |
ADP/ Bachelor (02-year) |
02-years/04-semesters |
04-years/08-semesters |
6 |
B.Ed. (1.5-year) |
1.5-years/03-semesters |
03-years/06-semesters |
7 |
B.Ed. (2.5-year) |
2.5-years/05-semesters |
05-years/10-semesters |
8 |
Diploma 01-year |
01-year/02-semesters |
02-years/04-semesters |
i. Maximum time duration as mentioned in the above table includes the semester freeze period.
ii. The students enrolled in study program(s)/course/certifications (e.g., specialization certification, short certificate course, Zero and Deficiency Semester) comprising of “One Semester” duration, shall be required to pass all prescribed courses in a single semester.
iii. The students admitted on the basis of course exemption/transfer of course credit hours, shall be required to complete the program within the semester(s) prescribed by the Equivalence Committee of the University.
5.2 There shall be a Semester Break of at least one week between two Semesters.
6.1 The University observes the Semester System. There shall be two semesters in each academic year i.e., Fall and Spring comprising of at least 18-weeks including the examination period. The commencement of these semesters is regulated by the University. In each semester, students will be evaluated through continuous assessments, e.g., Quizzes, Assignments, Graded Discussion Boards (GDBs) etc. In case of non-participation in continuous assessment of a course will eventually affect the final grade(s) of the student. It is mandatory to appear in the Mid semester examination and End semester examination along with continuous assessment to get good grades.
6.2 The Mid and End semester examinations of local students are conducted at the designated campuses of the Virtual University of Pakistan. If there is an emergency/pandemic situation; the University may decide the conduct of examinations as per the scenario developed, thereof. However, examinations for Overseas students are conducted online using specialized exam software under proctored environment.
7.1.1 A student is required to register in each semester. If the student fails to register in a semester without permission of the ‘Competent Authority’ on or before the last date of course selection he/she will be marked as ‘Inactive’.
7.1.2 A student shall be required to enroll at least one course/03-credit hours in a semester keeping in view the pre-requisites of each course(s) and maximum available duration of the study program.
7.1.3 Candidate admitted to a program shall complete all the requirements as per study scheme for the degree/diploma/certificate, for each semester subject to the maximum admissible limit of semesters, failing which his/her admission shall stand cancelled. In case, the student discontinues his/her studies without permission as stated in ‘para 8.1’ may seek re-admission in the same semester, with the approval of the Rector on recommendations of the Dean; or in the subsequent semester with the permission of the Executive Council of the University, provided he/she has already not exhausted the maximum duration/time for the course/program.
8.1 The student admitted to a degree/diploma/certificate program, shall register him/herself for each semester as long as he/she has not discontinued studies on account of sickness (duly certified by a registered medical practitioner) or due to circumstances beyond his/her control, before appearing in the mid and end examination, with the permission of the Registrar. Moreover, a candidate shall not ordinarily be allowed to discontinue studies by using semester freeze option for a total of two consecutive semesters.
9.1 The minimum and maximum Course Load in a semester shall be according to the study scheme of the program, but in special circumstances it can be minimum of 03-credit hours and maximum will be 21-credit hours.
9.2 In case of repeating failed/ dropped/ improve course, a student can take maximum one extra course of up to 04-credit hours during regular semester.
9.3 The student shall be required to get register for any repeat course within one week of the start of the new Semester. The student shall not be allowed to add course after the end of second week of a semester. However, the drop option shall remain open till the end of 4th week of a semester.
10.1 Each student shall register him/herself in the 1st & 2nd semester for all the credit hours as prescribed in study scheme for these semesters, unless otherwise specified.
10.2 Newly Admitted Students: Pre-defined first semester courses shall be allocated from the respective study scheme by the system/VIS.
10.3 Existing Students: For existing students, course(s) enrolment shall be opened after the result declaration of the preceding semester.
10.4 For the enrolment of semester courses, each student shall login to his/her LMS. The student shall enrol courses according to the prescribed ‘semester wise scheme of studies’ of the program by following the prerequisite rule.
10.5 Course Pre-Requisite Rule:
Each course shall only be available to a student for enrollment in a semester when his/her basic/foundation level course has already been studied/qualified by him in a previous semester as described in study scheme.
Note: The rule may only be relaxed by the Rector upon recommendation of the Dean through provision of the followings:
i. When the student changes his/her study program and fails to enroll in further courses in the new program.
ii. Requested through respective HOD.
10.6 Student shall enroll credit hour wise course load in a regular semester as prescribed in the program’s study scheme. In case any student wishes to enroll for one more course beyond the specified credit hours limit in the last two semesters, should submit his/her request to the Rector through Dean. He/she may be allowed by the Rector provided that student’s CGPA is 3.00 or above out of 4.
10.7 There shall be no course selection after the expiry of the last date of course selection (select/add/drop/replace) unless approved by the ‘Rector’ while recording special reason(s). However, no permission shall be granted after closing of date-sheet interface for mid-semester examination.
10.8 For the enrollment of Project/Internship/ Thesis, student must meet the prescribed credit hours, prerequisite and CGPA requirements as prescribed in course selection rules.
10.9 Students repeating their Final Project/ Internship Report/ Research Thesis courses may be allowed to re-enroll their respective courses on the recommendations received from the respective supervisor and “HOD” subject to the condition that the student should be able to complete the course requirements within the current semester and/or degree requirements. However, it must not be allowed once the End Semester examination has commenced.
11.1 A student will be allowed to freeze a semester only once in a semester with proper justification after the approval from Registrar.
11.2 The student will have to pay fee prescribed for “Semester Freeze”.
11.3 The student in the first semester shall not be allowed to freeze. However, in hardship cases as ‘Iddat’, ‘Maternity/Delivery’, ‘Death of a direct relative or for any other justified reason’, a student may freeze his/her semester with prior approval of the Registrar.
11.4 The students who have availed the semester freeze option shall not be eligible for the award of ‘Scholarship or Merit Position’.
11.5 A student may apply for semester freeze on or before the last date of course selection/enrollment, with proper justification.
11.6 If a student freezes a semester before the last date of course selection/enrollment, his/her semester fee will remain intact (if already paid) but if freezes before the mid semester exams, then half semester fee will be charged and if he/she freezes a semester after the mid semester exams, then full semester fee will be charged.
11.7 Upon semester freeze, academic activities for the said semester will become null and void and such students will have to resume study from the same semester from the start.
11.8 During the freeze period, the student will not be allowed to perform any academic and/or co-curricular / extra -curricular activities.
11.9 A student will not be allowed to freeze more than two consecutive semesters, simultaneously. Failing to resume/continue studies in the next (subsequently 3rd consecutive) semester the student’s admission will be considered as “Cancelled” and he/she will be required to apply for new/fresh admission as per the Admission Policy of the University.
11.10 If a student submits semester freeze application by mistake, he/she will be allowed to withdraw the request within seven (07) days from the date of application, however, such students shall be held responsible for academic loss or any other liability.
11.11 In case of withdrawal of semester freeze application, semester freeze fee will not be reimbursed.
11.12 The duration of the freeze semester(s) will be counted towards maximum duration of the degree program. The maximum duration for the respective Degree Program as prescribed by the University, shall remain the same.
A student can unfreeze and resume studies in the subsequent semester on or before the last date as published in Academic Calendar and then to make course selection (add/drop) of that specific semester accordingly.
A student who fails to register a semester and unable to enroll course(s) within the due date of course enrollment will be declared as an “Inactive Student”. Such student may resume his/her studies through Re-admission, upon payment of prescribed Re-Admission Fee in the very next semester. However, if a student remains inactive for more than two consecutive semesters simultaneously and fails to resume/continue studies in the next (3rd) semester; the admission of such student will be considered as “withdrawn” and he/she will be required to apply for new admission as per the University policy. In case a student submits semester freeze request by mistake, he/she will be allowed to withdraw the request within seven (7) days from the date of application.
Following students shall be considered as dropped out:
· A student who withdraws his/her admission before completing a degree/diploma/certificate program.
· An inactive student who does not resume his/her studies by making course selection in subsequent semester(s).
· An inactive student who has outstanding dues in his account book.
· A student who could not complete his/her enrolled study program within the specified time duration of the respective study program.
· Admission cancelled in response to an Indiscipline/Misconduct or against any disciplinary action.
16.1 Class Tests/Quizzes/MDBs/GDBs/Assignments/Seminars or any other such academic activity given by the respective teacher to the students in a Semester shall be called “Semester Work”. In addition to this, any assessment mode employed during the semester may also contribute to the “Semester Work”.
16.2 The distribution of marks for each theory course/subject in a Semester shall be as under:
i. |
Semester Work (40%) |
Quizzes/ Graded Discussion Boards (GDBs) Assignments/Presentations/term papers/short projects, etc. |
10-20% marks |
Mid Semester Examination |
20-30% Marks |
ii. |
End Semester Examination (60%) |
60% Marks |
Grand Total |
100% Marks |
17.1 A separate Practical paper of 50 marks in the course(s) where lab work is part of course(s), shall be given to the students in the End Semester Examination.
17.2 In a complete laboratory course, which consist of 100% lab work, in addition to semester work, the End Semester Examination shall carry weightage of 100 marks.
18.1 Mid Semester Examination shall be conducted by the Controller of Examinations after eighth week of each Semester or as reflected in the ‘Academic Calendar’ of the University.
18.2 The format of the Question paper will be determined by the concerned Teacher vetted by his/her “HOD”.
18.3 It will be mandatory for students to appear in the Mid Semester Examination. Repetition of Mid Semester Examinations is not allowed. However, if missed due to some pressing reasons, retake of the Mid Semester Examination can be arranged on the recommendations of concerned HOD and the Dean.
19.1 There shall be an End Semester Examination for each course at the end of each Semester.
19.2 The schedule of End Semester Examination (Theory/Practical) shall be prepared and notified by the Controller of Examinations.
19.3 The End Semester Examination shall be conducted by the Controller of Examinations according to the Conduct of Examination Rules, mentioned in “Examination Regulations” of Virtual University.
The grading scheme includes following letter, grades and grade points:
Letter Grade |
Grade Points |
Marks Obtained Percentage |
A+ |
4 |
90 – 100 |
A |
4 |
85 – 89 |
A- |
3.66 - 3.99 |
80 – 84 |
B+ |
3.33 - 3.65 |
75 – 79 |
B |
3.00 - 3.32 |
71 – 74 |
B- |
2.66 - 2.99 |
68 – 70 |
C |
2.00 - 2.65 |
61 – 67 |
D |
1.00 - 1.99 |
50 – 60 |
F |
0 |
00 – 49 |
A and A+ Grades
IF SCORE >= 85 then GP = 4
A- Grade
IF SCORE = 80 then GP = 3.66
IF (SCORE > 80 AND SCORE < 85) then GP = (SCORE-80)*(0.34/4.99)+3.66
B+ Grade
IF SCORE = 75 then GP = 3.33
IF (SCORE > 75 AND SCORE < 80) then GP = (SCORE-75)*(0.32/4.99)+3.33
B Grade
IF SCORE = 71 then GP = 3
IF (SCORE > 71 AND SCORE < 75) then GP = (SCORE-71)*(0.32/3.99)+3
B- Grade
IF SCORE = 68 then GP = 2.66
IF (SCORE > 68 AND SCORE < 71) then GP= (SCORE-68)*(0.33/2.99)+2.66
C Grade
IF SCORE = 61 then GP = 2
IF (SCORE > 61 AND SCORE < 68) then GP = (SCORE-61)*(0.65/6.99)+2
D Grade
IF SCORE = 50 then GP = 1
IF (SCORE > 50 AND SCORE < 61) then GP = (SCORE-50)*(0.99/10.99)+1
F Grade
IF SCORE < 50 then GP = 0.00
Sr No |
Score |
Letter Grade |
Grade Points |
1 |
>=90.00% |
A+ |
4.00 |
2 |
89.00% |
A |
4.00 |
3 |
88.00% |
A |
4.00 |
4 |
87.00% |
A |
4.00 |
5 |
86.00% |
A |
4.00 |
6 |
85.00% |
A |
4.00 |
7 |
84.00% |
A- |
3.93 |
8 |
83.00% |
A- |
3.86 |
9 |
82.00% |
A- |
3.80 |
10 |
81.00% |
A- |
3.73 |
11 |
80.00% |
A- |
3.66 |
12 |
79.00% |
B+ |
3.59 |
13 |
78.00% |
B+ |
3.52 |
14 |
77.00% |
B+ |
3.46 |
15 |
76.00% |
B+ |
3.39 |
16 |
75.00% |
B+ |
3.33 |
17 |
74.00% |
B |
3.24 |
18 |
73.00% |
B |
3.16 |
19 |
72.00% |
B |
3.08 |
20 |
71.00% |
B |
3.00 |
21 |
70.00% |
B- |
2.88 |
22 |
69.00% |
B- |
2.77 |
23 |
68.00% |
B- |
2.66 |
24 |
67.00% |
C |
2.56 |
25 |
66.00% |
C |
2.46 |
26 |
65.00% |
C |
2.37 |
27 |
64.00% |
C |
2.28 |
28 |
63.00% |
C |
2.19 |
29 |
62.00% |
C |
2.09 |
30 |
61.00% |
C |
2.00 |
31 |
60.00% |
D |
1.90 |
32 |
59.00% |
D |
1.81 |
33 |
58.00% |
D |
1.72 |
34 |
57.00% |
D |
1.63 |
35 |
56.00% |
D |
1.54 |
36 |
55.00% |
D |
1.45 |
37 |
54.00% |
D |
1.36 |
38 |
53.00% |
D |
1.27 |
39 |
52.00% |
D |
1.18 |
40 |
51.00% |
D |
1.09 |
41 |
50.00% |
D |
1.00 |
42 |
<50.00% |
F |
0.00 |
Grade Point (GP) is a figure ranging preferably from 0.00 to 4 be used to indicate the performance of a student in the course concerned.
21.1 Grade Point Average (GPA) used to indicate the performance of a student in the specific Semester which will be calculated by the following formula:
GPA = Sum over all courses in a semester (Course Credit Hours * Grade Point Earned)/Total Semester Credit Hours
![]() |
21.2 Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is the weighted mean value of all grade points and will be calculated as follows:
CGPA = Sum over all taken courses in all Semesters (Course Credit Hours * Grade Point Earned)/ Total Credit Hours taken in all Semesters
21.3 Repeat/Improve course(s) will be counted once with highest earned GPA for calculation of CGPA.
22.1 There will be no In-person/Physical attendance required where the course is offered in asynchronous mode.
22.2 The student should have at least 70% attendance to become eligible to appear in the End Semester Examination of specific course(s) which is offered in the conventional mode (face to face) especially in lab/practicum. The concerned teacher shall mark the attendance of the students and submit/upload it in the LMS. The student shall be awarded “IC” (Incomplete) grade in such course(s) where the attendance is below than 70%. Such students shall have to repeat that course(s) in the subsequent Semester(s) in which the course(s) is being offered.
22.3 In each course (offered in asynchronous mode), there shall be system generated attendance activity. It is mandatory for a student to participate in 50% of such activity in each course, failing to achieve this participation, he/she shall not be allowed to sit in End Semester Examination of that course. In case such student fails to achieve the required attendance percentage again or fails to qualify the course, while repeating, another chance to him/her shall be given by the Controller of Examinations (in consultation with the respective HOD/Dean) to repeat that course in the forthcoming semester in which the course is being offered, subject to the maximum length of the program. No further chance will be given after this Examination. The failed core course(s) must be passed irrespective of number of attempts/repeats within the maximum duration of the degree program. However, failed elective course(s) can be replaced with other elective course(s) after a maximum of three attempts/repeats. In all cases, the duration of the degree program will not be changed.
23.1 A student must participate in the Semester Work to appear in the End Semester Examination offered by the University. In case a student does not participate at all in the Semester Work or does not appear in the End Semester Examination, he/ she will be awarded an “F” grade in that course and such student shall have to repeat the course(s).
23.2 A student shall qualify the course if he/she scores at least 40% marks in aggregate and minimum 20% in the final and minimum 20% in the semester work including Mid Semester Examination, separately. The grade of the course will be awarded as per the University grading scheme.
23.3 No grace marks shall be awarded to the students.
23.4 The minimum passing grade (GPA) in first semester shall be 1.9. In case of GPA is < 1.9 student will be put on probation in second semester. If he fails to achieve GPA >= 1.9 in second semester, he will again be put on probation. However, if he/she fails to attain GPA >= 2.00 in third semester, he/she will be dropped from the role. A student who is put on probation in the very first semester will not be allowed to freeze the subsequent semester. He/she must clear the probation before applying for semester freeze.
23.5 A student who gets re-admission in the program shall get exemption for the course(s) which he/she has qualified with grade(s) higher than “C”.
23.6 A student who scores “F” grade in any course(s) in a Semester, shall have to repeat that specific course(s) in the forthcoming semester(s) when that course(s) is/are offered by the University.
23.7 In case of change/revision in course(s) of study for the Program, such student shall have to repeat the changed/revised course(s) in lieu of course(s) with “F” grade.
23.8 A student can anytime improve a course in which his/her obtained grade is less than “B”. In such case he/she has to repeat the improvement course(s) in the forthcoming semester(s), in which that course is offered.
23.9 In case, a student repeats one or more course(s) and fails to improve the grade, then the grade obtained previously by the student may be retained.
23.10 If a student completes the degree requirements in terms of total credit hours, then the University may ask the student if he/she wants to be a graduate or desires to improve his/her CGPA. In case, the student opts for improvement then he/she be allowed to register in courses fulfilling the following conditions:
(i) Repeat those course(s), where the grades are less than “B”
(ii) Total enrolled credits hours shall not exceed from “21” in a semester.
(iii) Must not exceed the maximum duration of the respective degree program.
Note: General Rules & Regulations apply, along with followings:
1.1 Four Year (Hons.) Bachelor program is divided into four (04) academic years (named as Year-I, Year-II, Year-III and Year-IV).
1.2 Each academic year is divided into Two Semesters:
Year -I |
Year - III |
Semester - I |
Semester - V |
Semester - II |
Semester - VI |
Year - II |
Year - IV |
Semester - III |
Semester - VII |
Semester - IV |
Semester - VIII |
2.1 The Final Year Project (FYP)/Internship/Teaching Practice is a requirement for the award of Degree when prescribed in the study scheme of the respective program.
2.2 The Final Year Project shall be minimum of 06-Credit Hours or as prescribed in the study scheme, to be split in the 7th and 8th semester equally.
2.3 The Topic of Final Year Project/Internship/Teaching Practice Report along with the name of Supervisor shall be approved by the Departmental Committee of the Program notified by the HOD at the beginning of semester-VII. The students shall have to submit required deliverable(s)/report (whichever is applicable) of FYP within one week of the commencement of the End Semester Examination of the eighth (8th) semester.
2.4 In case, a student fails to complete the Final Year Project/Internship/Teaching Practice within the stipulated time due to verifiable recorded reasons, an extension of maximum one semester may be granted by the Dean of the faculty on the recommendation of the HoD concerned. The applications of such students shall be forwarded by the Dean of the respective faculty to the Registrar, who after going through the provided record shall notify the extension. The permissible maximum duration of the study program shall apply while granting extension.
2.5 If a student fails to qualify the Final Year Project/Internship/Teaching Practice with or without availing the extension, then “F” grade will be awarded to the student in the Final Year Project/Internship/Teaching Practice Report.
2.6 A minimum of 50% marks are required to qualify the Final Year Project/Internship/Teaching Practice.
2.7 A student shall submit three lose bound Copies of the Final Year Project/Internship/Teaching Practice report to the Supervisor or upload softcopy to the LMS, when required. The Internal Examiner (Supervisor) and External Examiner (which may be from the same or related department of the University) for each student will be appointed by the HOD concerned.
2.8 The Supervisor shall be required to certify that FYP deliverables/report meets the minimum standard and the similarity index is below the approved limit. The copies of the reports obtained using the “Turnitin” software provided by Higher Education Commission must be accompanied by the plagiarism test which should have been conducted.
2.9 A Board of Examiners consisting of Internal Examiner, External Examiner and Convener (HOD or nominee) shall evaluate the Final Year Project in a Viva Voce (Oral Examination). The board may decide one of the following: Pass and award grade; Pass (and award grade) with Minor Revision; Defer with Major Revision; Reject (Award “F” grade).
2.10 In case Pass with Minor Revisions is recommended, the student shall submit the revised FYP/report within two (02) weeks. In case Defer with Major Revisions is recommended, then the student shall register in the following semester and resubmit the FYP/report for oral examination as per University Procedures.
2.11 The student shall be informed in writing about the changes he/she has to make in the Final Year Project/report in both cases, i,e., minor and major revisions.
2.12 In hardship cases where a student is not able to pass the FYP in the allowed time period, he/she may be given option to take 2 (two) courses; each of 3 (three) credit hours in lieu of FYP.
2.13 The Final Year Project, which is accepted after evaluation, shall become the property of Virtual University of Pakistan.
3.1 In order to be eligible for the award of degree, a student must fulfil all requirements, set for the award of degree in the respective program and as such other requirements of the University.
3.2 The student must have a minimum CGPA of 2.00 for the award of Degree.
4.1 A Gold medal is awarded to the student who secures the highest CGPA subject to a minimum CGPA of 3.50.
5.1 A student may be allowed to take additional course(s) in the Major or Allied subject of course in which he/ she is doing his/her Graduation, subject to the maximum limit of course load allowed in a Semester.
5.2 A student shall be allowed to study the additional course(s) along with the regular students.
5.3 He/ she shall have to complete the Semester Work and shall have to appear in the End Semester Examination of that Course.
5.4 A student shall qualify the Course(s) if he/ she scores at least 50% marks in Semester Work and End Semester Examination separately.
5.5 In case he/ she fails to score 50% marks, he/ she shall be allowed to repeat the course along with the forthcoming semester. In case he/ she fails to qualify the course while repeating, no further chance will be given.
5.6 Additional course(s) shall not be included in the Transcript.
5.7 A Certificate to the effect that he/ she has passed additional course(s) shall be issued to the student.
Note: General Rules & Regulations apply, along with followings:
1.1 The BA/BSc Program is of two-year duration, divided into academic years (named as Year-I & Year-II).
1.2 Each academic year is divided into Two Semesters.
Year – I |
Year - II |
Semester - I |
Semester - III |
Semester - II |
Semester - IV |
2.1 Final Year Project/ Internship is a requirement for the award of Degree, when prescribed in the study scheme.
2.2 Final Year Project/ Internship shall be minimum of 03 Credit Hours or as prescribed in the study scheme of the respective program.
2.3 The Topic of Final Year Project/ Internship Report along with the name of Supervisor shall be approved by the Departmental Board of Studies at the beginning of semester IV and the students shall have to submit the Final Year Project/ Internship Report within one week of the commencement of the End Semester Examination of the Fourth Semester.
2.4 In case, a student fails to submit the Project/ Internship Report within the stipulated time due to verifiable recorded reasons, the HoD concerned may grant an extension of maximum Three months. The applications of such students shall be forwarded by the HOD to the Controller of Examinations, who shall notify the extension.
2.5 In case a student fails to submit the Final Year Project/ Internship/ Teaching Practice Report even after availing the extended period, he/she shall be declared Fail in FYP/ Internship Report. Such student shall be asked to submit his FYP/ Internship/ Teaching Practice Report in the next Semester(s). All the necessary University dues shall be payable up till the submission of Final Year Project/ Internship/ Teaching Practice Report.
2.6 A minimum of 50% marks is required to qualify the Project/ Internship Report.
2.7 A student shall submit three lose bound Copies of the Final Year Project/Internship report to the Supervisor or upload softcopy to the LMS, when required. The Internal Examiner (Supervisor) and External Examiner (which may be from the same or related department of the university) for each student will be appointed by the HOD.
2.8 The Supervisor shall be required to certify that FYP deliverables/report meets the minimum standard and the similarity index is below the approved limit. The copies of the reports obtained using the “Turnitin” software provided by Higher Education Commission must be accompanied by the plagiarism test which should have been conducted.
2.9 A Board of Examiners consisting of Internal Examiner, External Examiner and Convener (HOD or nominee) shall evaluate the Final Year Project in a Viva Voce (Oral Examination). The board may decide one of the following: Pass and award grade; Pass (and award grade) with Minor Revision; Defer with Major Revision; Reject (Award “F” grade).
2.10 In case Pass with Minor Revisions is recommended, the student shall submit the revised FYP/report within two (02) weeks. In case Defer with Major Revisions is recommended, then the student shall register in the following semester and resubmit the FYP/report for oral examination as per University Procedures.
2.11 The student shall be informed in writing about the changes he/she has to make in the Final Year Project/report in both cases, i,e., minor and major revisions.
2.12 FYP/ Internship/ Teaching Practice Report, which is accepted after evaluation, shall become the property of Virtual University of Pakistan, Lahore.
3.1 In order to be eligible for the award of degree, a student must fulfil all requirements, set for the award of degree in the respective program and as such other requirements of the University.
3.2 He/ she must score at least 2.00 CGPA at the end of program for the award of Degree.
No Academic Distinction is awarded to the student of BA/B.Sc. (2-year) program.
Note: General Rules & Regulations apply, along with followings:
4.1 The Associate Degree Program (ADP) is of two-year duration, divided into academic years (named as Year-I & Year-II).
4.2 Each academic year is divided into Two Semesters.
Year – I |
Year - II |
Semester - I |
Semester - III |
Semester - II |
Semester - IV |
2.1 Final Year Project/ Internship is a requirement for the award of Degree, when prescribed in the study scheme.
2.2 Final Year Project/ Internship shall be minimum of 03-Credit Hours or as prescribed in the study scheme of the respective program.
2.3 The Topic of Final Year Project/ Internship Report along with the name of Supervisor shall be approved by the Departmental Board of Studies at the beginning of semester IV and the students shall have to submit the Final Year Project/ Internship Report within one week of the commencement of the End Semester Examination of the Fourth Semester.
2.4 In case, a student fails to submit the FYP/ Internship Report within the stipulated time due to verifiable recorded reasons, the HoD concerned may grant an extension of maximum Three months. The applications of such students shall be forwarded by the HOD to the Controller of Examinations, who shall notify the extension.
2.5 In case a student fails to submit the Final Year Project/ Internship/ Teaching Practice Report even after availing the extended period, he/she shall be declared Fail in FYP/ Internship Report. Such student shall be asked to submit his FYP/ Internship/ Teaching Practice Report in the next Semester(s). All the necessary University dues shall be payable up till the submission of Final Year Project/ Internship/ Teaching Practice Report.
2.6 A minimum of 50% marks is required to qualify the Project/ Internship Report.
2.7 A student shall submit three lose bound Copies of the Final Year Project/Internship report to the Supervisor or upload softcopy to the LMS, when required. The Internal Examiner (Supervisor) and External Examiner (which may be from the same or related department of the university) for each student will be appointed by the HOD.
2.8 The Supervisor shall be required to certify that FYP deliverables/report meets the minimum standard and the similarity index is below the approved limit. The copies of the reports must be accompanied by the plagiarism test that has been conducted, obtained using the “Turnitin” software provided by Higher Education Commission.
2.9 A Board of Examiners consisting of Internal Examiner, External Examiner and Convener (HOD or nominee) shall evaluate the Final Year Project in a Viva Voce (Oral Examination). The board may decide one of the following: Pass and award grade; Pass (and award grade) with Minor Revision; Defer with Major Revision; Reject (Award “F” grade).
2.10 In case Pass with Minor Revisions is recommended, the student shall submit the revised FYP/report within two (02) weeks. In case Defer with Major Revisions is recommended, then the student shall register in the following semester and resubmit the FYP/ report for oral examination as per University Procedures.
2.11 The student shall be informed in writing about the changes he/she has to make in the Final Year Project/report in both cases, i,e., minor and major revisions.
2.12 FYP/ Internship/ Teaching Practice Report, which is accepted after evaluation, shall become the property of Virtual University of Pakistan, Lahore.
3.1 In order to be eligible for the award of degree, a student must fulfil all requirements, set for the award of degree in the respective program and as such other requirements of the University.
3.2 He/she must score at least 2.00 CGPA at the end of program for the award of Degree.
No Academic Distinction is awarded to the student of ADP (2-year) program.
Note: General Rules & Regulations apply, along with followings:
1.1 Two-year master program (equal to 16 years of education) is divided into two academic years (named as Year-I, Year-II,).
1.2 Each academic year is divided into Two Semesters:
Year -I |
Year - II |
Semester - I |
Semester - III |
Semester - II |
Semester - IV |
2.1 Final Year Project/ Internship is a requirement for the award of Degree, when prescribed in the study scheme.
2.2 Final Year Project/ Internship shall be minimum 03 Credit Hours or as prescribed in the scheme of the study.
2.3 The Topic of Final Year Project/ Internship Report along with the name of Supervisor shall be approved by the Departmental Board of Studies at the beginning of semester III (in case FYP is of 06 credit hours) OR IV (in case of FYP is 03 credit hours) semester and the students shall have to submit the Final Year Project/ Internship Report within one week of the commencement of End Semester Examination of Fourth Semester.
2.4 In case, a student fails to submit the FYP/ Internship Report within the stipulated time due to verifiable recorded reasons, the HoD concerned may grant an extension of maximum Three months. The applications of such students shall be forwarded by the HOD to the Controller of Examinations, who shall notify the extension.
2.5 In case a student fails to submit the Final Year Project/ Internship/ Teaching Practice Report even after availing the extended period, he/she shall be declared Fail in FYP/ Internship Report. Such student shall be asked to submit his FYP/ Internship/ Teaching Practice Report in the next Semester(s), failing which his/ her candidature shall be cancelled. All the necessary University dues shall be payable up until the submission of Final Year Project/ Internship/ Teaching Practice Report.
2.6 A minimum of 50% marks is required to qualify the Project/ Internship Report.
2.7 A student shall submit three lose bound Copies of the Final Year Project/Internship report to the Supervisor or upload softcopy to the LMS, when required. The Internal Examiner (Supervisor) and External Examiner (which may be from the same or related department of the university) for each student will be appointed by the HOD.
2.8 The Supervisor shall be required to certify that FYP deliverables/report meets the minimum standard and the similarity index is below the approved limit. The copies of the reports obtained using the “Turnitin” software provided by Higher Education Commission must be accompanied by the plagiarism test which should have been conducted.
2.9 A Board of Examiners consisting of Internal Examiner, External Examiner and Convener (HOD or nominee) shall evaluate the Final Year Project in a Viva Voce (Oral Examination). The Board may decide one of the following: Pass and award grade; Pass (and award grade) with Minor Revision; Defer with Major Revision; Reject (Award “F” grade).
2.10 In case Pass with Minor Revisions is recommended, the student shall submit the revised FYP/Report within two (02) weeks. In case Defer with Major Revisions is recommended, then the student shall register in the following semester and resubmit the FYP/Report for oral examination as per University Procedures.
2.11 The student shall be informed in writing about the changes he/she has to make in the Final Year Project/Report in both cases, i,e., minor and major revisions.
2.12 Final Year Project/ Internship/ Teaching Practice Report, which is accepted after evaluation, shall become the property of Virtual University of Pakistan.
3.1 In order to be eligible for the award of degree, a student must fulfil all requirements, set for the award of degree in the respective program and as such other requirements of the University.
3.2 He/she must score at least 2.00 CGPA at the end of program for the award of Degree.
A Gold medal is awarded to the student who secured the highest CGPA subject to a minimum CGPA of 3.5.
5.1 A student may be allowed to take additional course(s) in the Major or Allied subject of course in which he/she is doing his/her Graduation, subject to the maximum limit of course load allowed in a Semester.
5.2 A student shall be allowed to study the additional course(s) along with the regular students.
5.3 He/she shall have to complete the Semester Work and shall have to appear in the End Semester Examination of that Course.
5.4 A student shall qualify the Course(s) if he/she scores at least 50% marks in Semester Work and End Semester Examination separately.
5.5 In case student fails to score 50% marks, he/she shall be allowed to repeat the course(s) along with the forthcoming Semester. In case he/she fails to qualify the course(s) while repeating, no further chance will be given.
5.6 Additional course(s) shall not be included in the Transcript.
5.7 A Certificate to the effect that he/she has passed additional course(s) shall be issued to the student.
Note: General Rules & Regulations apply, along with followings:
1.1 The MS/MPhil (equal to 18 years of education) Program is of two-years duration, divided into academic years (named as Year-I & Year-II).
1.2 Each academic year is divided into Two Semesters.
Year – I |
Year - II |
Semester - I |
Semester - III |
Semester - II |
Semester - IV |
2.2 Research Thesis shall be of 06-Credit Hours or as specified by HEC
A student will be eligible for enrollment in research thesis after completing minimum 18-credit hours of course-work with minimum required CGPA as specified in respective degree programs. It shall be mandatory for the student to enroll all the semesters regularly during the research. In case student cannot enroll two semesters consecutively, then admission will be stand cancelled.
4.2 The Research Supervisor shall be preferably a VU full time faculty member of the same department.
4.3 No Research Supervisor outside VU will be allocated. If necessary, Rector’s approval is mandatory along with proper justification.
4.4 The Research Supervisor must have qualification and experience as prescribed by the HEC and adopted by the VU.
4.5 The HOD may recommend appointing a co-supervisor in case the research topic requires expertise additional to that of the Research Supervisor.
4.6 A renumeration of Rs. 10,000/- (or as prescribed from time to time) shall be paid to the supervisor.
Note: Research Supervisor shall not be the first blood or close relative of the student.
5.1 Student will select the research topic in consultation with the Research Supervisor and submit it to the concerned HOD for recommendation within Two (02) weeks of the notification of the appointment of the Research Supervisor. The HOD shall recommend the topic within one week of its submission.
5.2 Student shall submit his/her research proposal/synopsis to the HOD through the research supervisor using the prescribed template (Annexure-A) within Four (04) weeks after the recommendation of the research topic.
5.3 The proposal/synopsis shall be presented to the Departmental Graduate Research Committee (DGRC) through concerned HOD.
5.4 Departmental Graduate Research Committee shall be constituted by the concerned HOD. The TOR of this committee will be:
i. Technical valuation of all synopsis.
ii. External review, if the technical expertise not available in the University.
iii. Evaluation of synopsis for Ethical issue and recommendations.
5.5 Prior to proposal/synopsis is submitted to Departmental Graduate Research Committee of the concerned department, Research Supervisor must certify that it meets the minimum standard and plagiarism test that has been conducted, using the software provided by Higher Education Commission.
5.6 The student shall defend research proposal/synopsis in front of Departmental Graduate Research Committee either in-person or through video conferencing or using any other online facility. The presence of the concerned Research Supervisor shall be mandatory.
5.7 The Departmental Graduate Research Committee will itself evaluate research proposal/synopsis submitted by the student. The Committee shall examine the viability of the topic of research, its scope, the facilities available and report using Evaluation Proforma (Annexure-B).
5.8 The student will make necessary corrections in his/her research proposal/synopsis, if suggested by the Departmental Graduate Research Committee and shall submit revised research proposal/synopsis in soft and hard copy through the Supervisor to the concerned HOD within two (02) weeks. In case, if the research proposal/synopsis is rejected by the Departmental Graduate Research Committee, student will be advised to resubmit the new research proposal/synopsis.
5.9 The student should submit request/recommendation for funds allocation (if, any) within one week of the recommendation of the synopsis by DGRC. The concerned HOD will then forward the case to “Dean of the Faculty” for further approval.
5.10 The Departmental Graduate Research committee will forward the accepted synopsis (in soft and hard copy) duly signed by all the stake holders along with Evaluation Proforma to Departmental Board of Studies through concerned HOD.
5.11 Departmental Board of Studies shall vet and recommend the Research Topic/Title and Research Synopsis to Advanced Studies and Research Board (ASRB) of the University for further approval.
5.12 The student will make necessary corrections in his/her research proposal/synopsis, if suggested by the concerned Board of Studies and submit revised research proposal/synopsis in soft and hard copy through the Supervisor to the concerned HOD within One (01) week. In case of research proposal/synopsis rejection by the Respective Board of Studies, student will be advised to resubmit the new research proposal/synopsis.
5.13 After the recommendations of the Departmental Board of Studies, the student will start working on Research Thesis.
5.14 The Head/Convener shall send the synopsis along with recommendations of funds/budget (if, any) to Advanced Studies and Research Board for final approval through the respective Board of Studies.
5.15 Advanced Studies and Research Board can accept/reject/propose modifications in the research proposal/synopsis. If ASRB suggests changes/modifications, the student shall amend and re-submit updated research proposal/synopsis through the concerned HOD within one week.
5.16 The approved proposal/synopsis for thesis research shall remain valid only for a maximum of six regular semesters from the date of admission of the student.
6.1 A student, within one academic year, can modify/change the topic/title of his/her research with the approval of the Advanced Studies and Research Board (ASRB) by applying on a prescribed proforma (Annex-G) proposed/recommended by the respective Board of Studies (BOS).
6.2 The concerned HOD/In-charge shall be responsible to ensure the correction(s) of any minor change in research topic/title allocated to the student relating to grammatical and spelling mistakes(s) at departmental level before final submission.
6.3 No relaxation in maximum duration for completion of MS/MPhil degree shall be granted to the student on the basis of change of research topic.
6.4 A student working on the Research Thesis shall register/enroll in Research Thesis through the Supervisor, in all semesters until completion of Research Thesis.
7.1 In case, a student desires to change the Research Supervisor for some valid reasons, he/she shall apply on a prescribed proforma (Annexure-G).
7.2 The written consent from the previous Research Supervisor and the proposed Research Supervisor, must be attached with the application. If it is not possible to take the consent of any party, the concerned HOD is authorized to forward the case with valid justifications.
7.3 The Research Supervisor will not be changed in case he/she leaves the University or retires from the job while the student is at stage of drafting the Research Thesis, provided that he/she agrees to continue.
7.4 No relaxation in maximum duration for completion of MS/MPhil degree will be granted to the student on the basis of change of Supervisor.
8.1 The maximum study duration allowed to MS/MPhil students will be as per HEC rules adopted by the University. MS/MPhil student, who fails to complete the degree requirements within stipulated time period, will have to seek formal approval through proper channel for extension in study duration.
8.2 The student will apply for extension in the study duration using prescribed proforma (Annex-C) through the Research Supervisor to the concerned HOD/In-charge with proper justification. The HOD will then forward the case to the Rector for approval through Dean of the faculty.
8.3 The Rector, if convinced with the justification, may initially grant an extension for six months, which may be further extended for a maximum of another six months.
8.4 In case of extensions, the maximum duration for MS/MPhil shall not be violated.
9.1 It is mandatory for a student to pass all of the offered courses by the department, with required CGPA.
9.2 Evaluation of thesis will be carried out by an External Examiner. The HOD shall recommend the panel of external examiners (appointed according to way defined in VU Ordinance 2002), to the Rector through the Controller of Examinations (Annexure-E: Proforma for the approval of Panel of Examiners).
9.3 The Rector shall appoint one (01) external examiner for thesis evaluation to be notified by the Controller of Examinations.
9.4 The student shall submit three (03) spiral binding copies of the draft of Research Thesis along with the softcopy to the HOD through the Supervisor. Research Thesis should follow the format approved by the University. (Annexure D)
9.5 The HOD/In-Charge shall check the similarity index of the Thesis using Turnitin and forward that Thesis along with the report of Similarity Index to the Secretary ASRB. The Secretary ASRB shall verify the report (Annexure-F) forwarded by the HOD/In-charge. Upon successful verification of similarity index, the examination department will proceed further. Unsuccessful verification report will result in returning the thesis to the HOD/In-charge for remedial measures.
9.6 Last date for Research Thesis submission in each semester will be one week before the commencement of End Semester Examination of that particular semester. Whereas "Research Thesis submitted” is defined as the day when semi-final copy of the Research Thesis (hard and soft) is forwarded to the HOD/In-charge by the research supervisor. HOD/In-charge will be responsible to acknowledge the date of Research Thesis submission. However, if student fails to submit his/her Research Thesis within due date, the result will be notified in the semester in which the student submits the final Research Thesis.
9.7 The Controller of Examinations (CE) shall immediately send a copy of the Research Thesis to the external examiner for evaluation. The external examiner shall examine the Research Thesis in detail to evaluate the suitability of the Research Thesis for the award of MS/MPhil degree. External examiner will be required to give his/her feedback to CE within 15-days of the receipt of Research Thesis.
9.8 In case of observations/suggestions from the external examiner, the student will incorporate the suggested changes in the Research Thesis. The same procedure of Similarity Index check will be followed as described in clause 9.5 above, at the time of submission of revised/final version of the Research Thesis.
9.9 The Controller of Examinations (CE) shall schedule the viva voce examination.
10.1 The student will be eligible for final viva only after receipt of the evaluation report from the external examiner.
10.2 The student must appear in person/connect through the video link in the viva voce to defend his/her Research Thesis in front of the Board of Examiners. The Board of Examiners shall comprise of:
· HOD/In-Charge (or nominee)
· Research Supervisor(s)
· External Examiner
10.3 The members of the Board of Examiners shall sign the Research Thesis and award list after the viva voce examination. The incorporation of the corrections/additions/deletions suggested by the Board members; either on a separate list or on Research Thesis; must be incorporated and certified by the Supervisor. The same procedure of similarity check will be followed as described earlier, in case of major changes.
10.4 If the student qualifies the final viva voce examination, he/she will be awarded the grade accordingly.
10.5 The award list of the student’s performance in viva voce duly signed and approved by the Board of examiners shall be sent to the Controller of Examinations for result notification.
10.6 In case of disagreement between the Supervisor and External Examiner regarding acceptance of the Research Thesis, it shall be referred to another external examiner whose decision shall be considered as final. The 2nd External Examiner shall be appointed by the Rector, at the intimation of disagreement between the Supervisor and External Examiner by the HOD/In-Charge, out of the panel of three names already submitted.
If student qualifies final Viva Voce and completes all the requirements for the award of the degree, he/she will be awarded the degree under the seal of the University.
In order to become eligible for the award of degree, a student must fulfil all requirements, set for the award of degree in the respective program and as such other requirements of the University.
There shall be No academic distinction.
The student is responsible for keeping in touch with his/her Research Supervisor during the prescribed period of research and is advised to maintain contact afterward until he/she is ready to submit the Research Thesis for examination. The student needs not to confine his/her request for advice to the supervisor but is encouraged to approach anyone who can help. The responsibilities of the students include:
a. to agree with the Supervisor(s) on a suitable topic for research and to work on that topic.
b. to agree with the Supervisor(s) on the schedule of meetings and to attend such meetings and inform the Supervisor(s) how they can be contacted.
c. to follow the timelines and submit draft in accordance with a schedule agreed with the Supervisor(s), including in particular the submission of written material in sufficient time to allow adequate comment and discussion before proceeding to the next stage of the research.
d. to familiarize themselves with the regulations for the appropriate degree and with instructions and guidelines issued by the University.
e. if the student being dissatisfied with any aspect of the supervisory or other arrangements, the student should submit a formal written statement to the Faculty's Dean, before the end of period of registration, outlining the reasons for their dissatisfaction.
f. to provide a written progress report when requested to do so.
g. to discuss with the Supervisor(s) about the preparation of the Research Thesis and to decide when it is ready for submission after taking due account of advice from the Supervisor(s).
h. to submit a thesis within the time allowed by the regulations.
i. Students should note that they are responsible for their work and that the role of the Supervisor(s) is to provide guidance and advice.
j. Must enroll all semesters regularly during research phase.
The Research Supervisor(s) should make it clear that post-graduate students are expected to fully participate in the planning of work to be done, to question the advice given to them, and to reach their own independent decision as to what needs to be done.
The main responsibilities are to:
a. keep in regular contact with the student including any period during which the student is working away from the University.
b. to be accessible to the student at other appropriate and reasonable times when advice may be needed.
c. in the event of being granted leave, propose adequate arrangements for supervision of the student.
d. ensure that the student is aware of all the university regulations about research.
e. offer advice to the student on research problems.
f. give general guidance and advice on the progress of research.
g. give instructions about research methods appropriate to the student’s field of research.
h. encourage the student to keep aware of all relevant developments within subject.
i. give advice on the preparation of the Research Thesis.
j. help the student carry out on research and present his/her results to the best advantage.
k. further, the Supervisor(s) is responsible to consider whether the presented results meet appropriate academic standards.
l. ensure that examiners are nominated in good time, so that the examination can go ahead as soon as possible after submission of the thesis
m. if feel student is not giving due time and concentration and not responding to your email or phone calls or pace of the student is low, then either arrange a meeting with the student or inform concerned HOD.
16.1 Virtual University of Pakistan has ‘Zero Tolerance’ Policy as far as plagiarism is concerned. The Research Supervisor(s) will check Research Thesis for plagiarism using the software of Turnitin and/or as described by HEC. The concerned Supervisor will certify that the Research Thesis has been checked against the plagiarism and that the Similarity Index (excluding literature cited/bibliography) is =<19% overall as well as =< 5% from a single source (HEC rule).
16.2 If Research Thesis is found plagiarized at any stage, in future, the research student concerned will be responsible solely.
16.3 In case of conflict for plagiarism report/ or thesis found plagiarized by the student, HoD concerned will forward the case to “Plagiarism Committee”.
decision of the committee shall be final.
Research Proposal/Synopsis for MS/MPhil/PhD Research Thesis
Department of __________________
1. Name of the Student: _____________________________________________________
2. VU ID: _______________________ 3. Session: ________________________________
4. Semester: _____________________ 5. Field of Specialization: ___________________
6. Title of Research Proposal: ________________________________________________
7. Date of Enrolment in Research: ____________________________________________
8. Duration of Proposed Research: ____________________________________________
9. Total Funds Requested (if any) Rs._______________(Rupees:____________________
Supervisor Information
1. Name of Supervisor: __________________________________________________
Designation: ________________________ Email ID: __________________________
Affiliation: ____________________________________________________________
Topic [1 to 3 lines]
Write clear, well defined and comprehensive research topic in Title Case.
Abstract/Summary [1 to 2 paragraphs]
The abstract should be comprehensive as per standards used in general research thesis and articles.
Introduction (Need/Motivation of the Present Research) [1-2 page]
You have to provide the complete motivation of your choice to work on this topic. Also, a brief defence of your topic that this work has not already been done. You may include references in this part.
Research Question(s) [Minimum 1 research question]
Write at least one research question that should be clear and focused on the research topic.
Research Objectives [3 to 5 lines]
Write measurable research objectives in 3 to 5 lines.
Socio-economic Importance/Benefits (if applicable) [3 to 5 lines]
Write possible socio-economic benefits that could be achieved through this research.
Review of Literature [2 to 3 pages for MS/MPhil and 8 to10 pages for PhD]
Review of literature can be any one of the following styles:
Methodology/Research Design [2 to 4 pages]
Provide details of the methodology to be adopted to carry out this research. Also, give a brief description of the tools and design to be used for the analysis and validation of your work.
Risk Analysis and Management (if applicable) [1 Page]
Use this section to describe any expected risk(s) and the strategy to overcome such risks, if applicable.
Note: Only include those references that are cited/merged in the text.
(It is preferred that 50% citation should be from the latest publication, i.e., work published within the last 5-years.)
(For reference use American Psychological Association (APA) style)
Gantt Chart (to be used as guideline) [Separate Page]
Provide activity plan relevant to the research/objectives.
Specific Objectives |
Activities |
Semester-I |
Semester-II |
Month-I |
Month-II |
Month-III |
Month-IV |
Month-I |
Month-II |
Month-III |
Month-IV |
Literature’s Survey |
I |
II |
II |
Thesis writing & Submission |
Details of Funds/Expenditure (if applicable) [Maximum 1 page]
Provide detail of funds and expected expenditure on this research such as Consumables, Chemicals, Field survey, Transport etc.
S. No. |
Details |
No(s) |
Unit Rate |
Total |
1 |
Consumables & Chemicals |
2 |
Surveys or Transport |
3 |
Contingencies |
Grand Total |
Student Signature
Date: ______
We hereby agree to supervise the research work as per above proposal/synopsis.
Signature of Supervisor
Date: _________
Note: Hard and soft copy of synopsis/research proposal must be submitted to the secretary ASRB for final approval.
Profile of Supervisor
Name of Supervisor: _________________________________________________________
Designation: ________________________________________________________________
Ongoing Research Students |
Number of MS/M.Phil. students |
Number of PhD students |
Signature of Supervisor
Endst. No. ___________ |
Dated:______________ |
The proposal entitled “ ”duly proposed/recommended by the Board of Studies (BOS) in its meeting held on __________ is forwarded to ASRB through the Dean of the Faculty for approval and allocation of funds (if requested).
Signature/ Seal Chairperson of the Department Date: ___________ |
Signature/ Seal Dean of the Faculty Date: ___________ |
Signature/ Seal Secretary ASRB Date: ___________ |
Following instructions should be considered while preparing and writing a synopsis/research proposal:
Department of_________________________________
Research Synopsis/Proposal Evaluation Form
(To be completed by the Referee/Departmental Graduate Research Committee)
Name of Student: _______________________ Name of Supervisor: _________________
Registration #: _______________________ Co- Supervisor (If Any): _________________
Title of Research Proposal:
Section 1
Please evaluate the student’s proposal by circling the number that corresponds to your rating in each of the following areas.
Research Topic
(Relevance of concept; Relation to theoretical base of existing body of knowledge; Significance of topic; Contribution of the student’s development)
1 2 3 4 5
Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent
Research Question/Statement of the Problem
(Clearly stated research questions and purpose; How important is the proposed activity to advancing knowledge and understanding within its field or across different fields)
1 2 3 4 5
Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent
Originality of Approach
(To what extent does the proposed activity suggest and explore creative and original concepts?)
1 2 3 4 5
Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent
Soundness of Approach and Organization of the Research Plan
1 2 3 4 5
Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent
(Design and procedure adequate to support the study’s objective(s); Scope of project feasible regarding time and resource limits)
1 2 3 4 5
Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent
Mechanics, Organization, and Technical Aspects of the Proposal
1 2 3 4 5
Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent
Research Prospects Possibility
1 2 3 4 5
Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent
Relevance to Economy/Industry/Society
(How much impact, do you think, will be resulted on society and/or increasing scientific and technological understanding?)
1 2 3 4 5
Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent
Any Ethical Issue or Conflict Which Is Needed to Address (Tick the appropriate)
Overall Quality of the Proposal
1 2 3 4 5
Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent
Final Recommendation (Tick any one)
Section II
Please suggest changes or amendments which you think would improve this research proposal.
Write additional comments which may further enhance the quality of the research proposal for a future submission.
Name of Referee/ : _______________________________________
________________________ Date: _____________________
Department of_________________________________
Subject: Additional Period for the Completion of MS/MPhil/PhD Thesis
The Rector is requested to grant additional period for the completion of thesis of the following student.
Name of Student |
Registration No. |
Email ID |
Session |
Title of Research Proposal |
Approval of Research Proposal on |
Starting Date of the Research |
Duration for Proposed Research |
ASRB Approval |
Notification #:_____________Dated: _____________ |
Additional Period Already Availed (With dates) |
Additional Period Requested (With dates) |
%age of Work Completed |
Justifications with Evidence (Additional sheet can be used) |
Student’s/Scholar’s Signature |
Supervisor (Name/ Designation) |
Name(s)/ Designation of Co-Supervisor |
Supervisor: ________________________ Dated: ______
HoD: ________________________ Dated: ______
Dean of the Faculty: _________________ Dated: ______
The Registrar: __________________ Dated: ______
i. Structure of a Thesis
a. Title Page
b. Declaration
c. Certification
d. Dedication
e. Acknowledgement
f. Table of Contents
g. List of Figures
h. List of Tables
i. List of Abbreviations
j. Chapters
k. References
l. Appendices
ii. Referencing Style:
Use American Psychological Association (APA) style for citation and reference/bibliography.
iii. Formatting:
The standard font shall be 12 pts. Times New Roman with 1.5 line spacing.
iv. Page Numbers
Page numbers must appear on each page at bottom right of the page. (Page numbering should be started from introduction section. Initial pages which include list of tables/figures/abbreviations, and abstract etc. should be numbered in Roman.)
v. Page Size
A4, Single side print
vi. Maximum Three Heading Levels
Main Heading 1 and Main Heading 2 should be 14 size and bold; whereas, Main Heading 3 should be size and bold.
vii. Figures:
a. Figures will be numbered according to chapter number. For example, the first figure in chapter 1 will be numbered as figure 1.1, then 1.2 and so on. Similarly, the chapter 2 will contain figure 2.1, 2.2 and so on.
b. Number and caption of the figure should be at the top
c. It is discouraged to use the figures from other sources. If it is inevitable, redraw and give proper reference underneath the figure. In case of copying get permission from the author and give proper reference underneath the figure.
d. Discuss each figure in the text.
viii. Tables
a. Number and caption of table will be on the top.
b. In case of using a table from some other source, give full reference of the source at the bottom of the table.
2. General Instructions
i. The cover of the final copy of MS/MPhil thesis should be hardbound in Royal Blue (Sample VU Logo) with golden engraved text.
ii. All copies to be submitted should be printed while the photocopies will not be accepted.
iii. A copy of departmental plagiarism report must be attached as the last page of final copy of thesis.
iv. The Research Thesis, that has been accepted, shall become the property of the Virtual University of Pakistan. Hard and soft copies of the Research Thesis shall be placed in the University Library.
VIRTUAL UNIVERSITY OF PAKISTAN Approval of Panels of Examiners for Thesis by ASRB Department of __________________ |
No.:_________________ Date:______________
Name of Student/Scholar |
Registration No. |
Email ID |
Session |
Approved Title of Thesis |
Date of Recommendation of panel by Board of Studies (BOS) |
Expected Date of Thesis Submission |
Supervisor (Name/Designation) |
Local Examiners (Name, Designation, Institution, Area of Interest, Official Mailing Address, City and Country, Contact Number, Fax, E-mail Address) |
1. 2. 3. |
HoD: ____________________________________ Dated: _______
Dean of the Faculty: _________________________ Dated: _______
The Secretary ASRB:________________________ Dated: _______
VIRTUAL UNIVERSITY OF PAKISTAN Department of __________________ |
Subject: Request for Verification of Plagiarism Check of MS/MPhil/PhD Thesis
University focal person for Turnitin (software) is requested to check plagiarism of the thesis as per HEC requirements. Soft copy of the thesis is enclosed herewith.
Name of Student |
Registration No. |
Email ID |
Session |
Thesis submitted to the Department vide: |
Dairy No.___________ Date___________ |
Student/Scholar |
Supervisor (Name/Designation) |
Name (s)/Designation of Co-Supervisor |
HoD: __________________________ Dated: _______
Note: It is mandatory that Secretary Advanced Study and Research Board (ASRB) will check plagiarism of the thesis as per HEC requirements and send its report to the respective HoD within seven (7) working days.
VIRTUAL UNIVERSITY OF PAKISTAN Department of ______________ |
Subject: Request form to Change
⃝ Research Topic
⃝ Supervisor
Name of Student |
Registration No. |
Email ID |
Session |
Title of Research Proposal (Already approved) |
Supervisor (Name/ Designation) (Already approved) |
ASRB Approval |
Notification #:_________________ Dated: _____________ |
Research Topic/Supervisor already Approved |
Proposed Change |
Justification / Valid Reason (Mandatory) |
Student/Scholar: __________________________ Dated: ______
Supervisor: __________________________ Dated: ______
HoD/Convener: __________________________ Dated: ______
Dean of the Faculty: _________________________ Dated: ______