Course Selection


MS in Computer Science



  1. Students can take an MS level course only if they have already passed all deficiency/pre-requisite courses.
  2. The credit hour limits are as below:

I.                   For each of the first three semesters, a maximum of 09 MS level credit hours are allowed.

II.                 For the fourth and any subsequent semester(s), a maximum of 12 MS level credit hours are allowed.

  1. During a study program, students may attempt to improve a 'C' or 'D' grade course only once.

Rules for Selecting Area of Specialization:

  1. Students may select any of the offered areas of specialization. They are required to earn at least 06 credit hours from their selected specialization area.


Rules for Selecting Research Thesis:

  1. Thesis will be assigned manually by the concerned staff provided the student has:

I.            Earned at least 18 MS level credit hours with CGPA ≥ 2.50

II.           Passed the “Research Methodology” course


In order to select your courses, follow the steps below:

  1. From within the LMS, click on the Course Selection link
  2. While selecting courses, give priority to "F" grade course(s) and the improvement of 'C' or 'D' grade course(s) where possible.
  3. Click the check boxes to select course(s). Please note that you have to select specialization in order to view specialization courses.
  4. Save the selection
  5. You may make changes in course selection any number of times before the last date to add, drop or replace course(s).

Note: In case of any question/query regarding MSCS course selection, contact at